NatCroMo 2010 Mystery Pattern

You will need two well-contrasting colours of the same or equivalent yarn, of a reasonably smooth/evenly spun texture. I recommend solid colours, and thicker yarns, if you do not want the item to be very small.

• Do not assume that an instruction covers a complete row. Turn when you are told to, and only when you are told to.
• When colour A is in use, colour B should be carried/crocheted over (as in tapestry crochet), and vice versa.
• I am writing this pattern in UK crochet terms. I will translate, but use one version of the instructions only.

UK Terminology:

  1. Ch 22 in A, and 21 dc back (or 21 fdc). Turn.
  2. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Tr 3 in B, tr 1 in A) five times.
  3. Tr 15 in B in corner, sk 3 base ch/fdc, and sl st in A under tr in A. Turn.
  4. Dc in A in every tr around and across.
  5. Tr 15 in B in corner below, sk 3 ch and sl st in A under tr in A. Turn.
  6. Dc in A in 15 tr, sl st to dc. Turn.
  7. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. Tr 2 in 15 dc around, in B. Sk 3 ch and sl st in A under tr in A. Turn.
  8. Dc in A in every tr. Sl st in B to ch in B.
  9. In lower row *(Tr 3 in B, tr 1 in A) five times.
  10. Tr 2 in every dc around, in B. Sk 3 ch and sl st in A under tr in A. Turn.
  11. Dc in A in every tr around and across. Sl st to dc. Turn.
  12. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Tr 3 in B, tr 1 in A) five times. Turn.
  13. Ch1 in A. Dc in A in every tr across. Turn.
  14. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Tr 3 in B, tr 1 in A) five times. Turn.
  15. Ch1 in A. Dc in A in every tr across. Turn.
  16. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Tr 3 in B, tr 1 in A) five times. Turn.
  17. Ch1 in A. Dc 4 in A. Turn.
  18. Tr 15 in B in corner. Sl st in A to side of dc. Turn.
  19. Dc in A in each tr around and in next 4 tr across. Turn.
  20. Tr 2 in every dc around, in B. Sl st in A to side of dc. Turn.
  21. Dc in A in each tr around and in next 8 tr across.
  22. Tr 1 in A and 15 in B in corner. Sl st in A to side of dc. Turn.
  23. Dc in A in each tr around. Sl st in A to top of tr in A. Ch 2 in B, ch 1 in A. Sl st to top of next tr in A. Turn.
  24. Tr 2 in every dc around, in B. Sl st in A to side of dc. Turn.
  25. Dc in A in each tr around. Sl st in A to top of tr in A, and in next dc.
  26. Cut A. Sl st in B in middle dc. Htr around corner curves (htr 3 in every two stitches) in B, sl st in each side mid-point. End.

US Terminology:

  1. Ch 22 in A, and 21 sc back (or 21 fsc). Turn.
  2. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Dc 3 in B, dc 1 in A) five times.
  3. Dc 15 in B in corner, sk 3 base ch/fsc and sl st in A under dc in A. Turn.
  4. Sc in A in every dc around and across.
  5. Dc 15 in B in corner below, sk 3 ch and sl st in A under dc in A. Turn.
  6. Sc in A in 15 dc, sl st to sc. Turn.
  7. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. Dc 2 in 15 sc around, in B. Sk 3 ch and sl st in A under dc in A. Turn.
  8. Sc in A in every dc. Sl st in B to ch in B.
  9. In lower row *(Dc 3 in B, dc 1 in A) five times.
  10. Dc 2 in every sc around, in B. Sk 3 ch and sl st in A under dc in A. Turn.
  11. Sc in A in every dc around and across. Sl st to sc. Turn.
  12. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Dc 3 in B, dc 1 in A) five times. Turn.
  13. Ch1 in A. Sc in A in every dc across. Turn.
  14. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Dc 3 in B, dc 1 in A) five times. Turn.
  15. Ch1 in A. Sc in A in every dc across. Turn.
  16. Ch 2 in A, ch 1 in B. *(Dc 3 in B, dc 1 in A) five times. Turn.
  17. Ch1 in A. Sc 4 in A. Turn.
  18. Dc 15 in B in corner. Sl st in A to side of sc. Turn.
  19. Sc in A in each dc around and in next 4 dc across. Turn.
  20. Dc 2 in every sc around, in B. Sl st in A to side of sc. Turn.
  21. Sc in A in each dc around and in next 8 dc across.
  22. Dc 1 in A and 15 in B in corner. Sl st in A to side of sc. Turn.
  23. Sc in A in each dc around. Sl st in A to top of dc in A. Ch 2 in B, ch 1 in A. Sl st to top of next dc in A. Turn.
  24. Dc 2 in every sc around, in B. Sl st in A to side of sc. Turn.
  25. Sc in A in each tr around. Sl st in A to top of dc in A, and in next sc.
  26. Cut A. Sl st in B in middle sc. Hdc around corner curves (hdc 3 in every two stitches) in B, sl st in each side mid-point. End.

And… it’s a Surakarta game board!

6 Responses to “NatCroMo 2010 Mystery Pattern”

  1. February Ends… « Kaet's Weblog Says:

    […] February Ends… By kaet And I complete a full month of daily blog posts, for the first time since 2008, if ever! And that’s just the right time to tell you that NatCroMo begins tomorrow, and with it my Mystery Pattern! […]

  2. Strand Over Fist » Blog Archive » National Crochet Month Says:

    […] Join a Crochet-A-Long (such as my March Crystaline Snood CAL or this Mystery CAL) […]

  3. READY FOR A GAME? · Crochet @ CraftGossip Says:

    […] […]

  4. 2010 in review « Kaet's Weblog Says:

    […] NatCroMo 2010 Mystery Pattern February 2010 3 comments 4 […]

  5. Family Fun with Free Crochet Game Patterns! Says:

    […] Surakarta Game Board by Kaet, on Kaet’s Thoughts: If you aren’t familiar with Surakarta (aka Roundabouts), you can get the instructions online. Looks like fun! […]

  6. Tamara Says:

    Very cool! I linked you on my blog this morning: Thanks for sharing your pattern!

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